July 29, 2006 - Work Day 20
With the majority of the work on the patio area done, attention turns to the other side of the sunroom.
The mulch gardens run from the patio's upper walkway, right around the deck and the sunroom.
The old mulch had deteriorated, and the shrubs -- including this forsythia -- weren't in the best shape.
Everything had weed fabric underneath it. If you're experienced in the garden, you know that weed
fabric is useless. So it all had to be torn up. With a generous layer of mulch (3 inches or more), weeds
will stay at bay. I also sprinkle Preen weed preventer, which keeps the weeds down.
Viney weeds had grown into the lattice. The boxwood (left) was out-of-place, and the lilac on the corner
was just plain sickly. The new plants sit in the middle of the garden, surrounded by weeds.
Another bad thing about weed fabric: mulch doesn't stick to it, so most of the old mulch had washed
away, leaving the fabric exposed. Aggressive weeds and grass love rooting to the fabric. I hate fabric.
This lilac is about to find a new home on the compost pile in the woods.
Work is set to begin, tying the old mulch area to the new landscaping.
Voila! After a day of work, the old shrubs are gone, the new ones in, and the garden has new life.
I debated whether or not to ditch the yew, but ultimately it was spared. The rhododendron now has room as well.
The mid-sized bush to the left is a lilac cut to ground level last summer. It's coming back well.
The gardens now blend together.
From the left...
arborvitae, hydrangea, hydrangea, arborvitae, lilac. And mulch, mulch, mulch!
A dozen more bags of mulch will finish the upper shade garden by the tree.
The area to the left still needs some mulch.
A close-up of the new hydrangeas.
With the pile of mulch bags gone, the lower garden is officially done.
Remember the NEBCo bricks? I worked one into the corner of the garden as an ode to Dad.
Behind it, a globe arborvitae.
Check off the upper walkway. It's done!
What's left? Not too much. The three back doors need painting, the new dryer vent and spigot surround
need installing, as well as a decorative hose holder (that hose reel thing is a piece of crap).
Then a few
more bags of mulch in the shade garden, and it'll be time to kick back with an iced tea.
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