July 16, 2006 - Work Day 18
The patio furniture in place, bags of mulch wait in the background.
The first of the landscape lighting goes in along the upper walkway...near the new fountain!
The fountain took a big chunk of the day, but in the end it was worth the time.
Two shots of the fountain, which sits where the irises used to be. The irises were transplanted to the back of the yard.
The lower garden only needs its lights and some mulch...and lots of watering.
Looking from the lower walkway.
The lighting requires a lot of wiring, but it pays off. The transformer is on the main deck.
From the pool deck.
A closer look at some of the plants.
At night, a spotlight illuminates the grass nearest the patio.
The new deck furniture. The table was repainted, cleaned up, and reassembled to match the chairs.
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