July 9, 2006 - Work Day 16
With the concrete foundation resurfaced, the focus now turns to landscaping. Designing this will take
time, but the focal piece of the lower garden was purchased today...an aphrodite hibiscus tree.
The landscaping theme is loosely Floridian, so the hibiscus will work well with the grasses
also purchased today. Before any further planting, the landscape lighting will be installed.
The only remaining "hardscape" to install were the wall caps. To cap the wall, I again used recycled pavers.
With all the work on the concrete, cement and pavers, it was so nice to once again work with plants.
A closer look at the finished wall. The black thing sitting to the left of the plant? That's a surprise for later.
A view from out in the yard. The sod is coming in nice.
Looking down from the main deck.
A close-up of the wall. People have commented that the step is too high.
I'll fix that after everything else is finished.
I like how the wall meets the yard. I can't wait to finish the project, but I have a ways to go.
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