July 3, 2006 - Work Day 13
Only one block remains before the upper walkway is done. But the block needs to cure, first.
Looking from the back door, the curved walkway is getting closer.
The blocks lighten in color as they cure. The remaining blocks for the lower walkway needed to be
poured elsewhere and will be moved into position, since the form won't fit in the remaining area.
Extra blocks sit on the pool deck steps, however these aren't the shapes I needed to
finish the walk. Once again, these aren't the droids I'm looking for.
Some blocks are poured to the left of the wheelbarrow, at the base of the old patio table.
I moved the table over the setting blocks to protect them from afternoon thunderstorms.
Keeping this sod healthy is going to be tough in the hot weather. The first-round sod blended in nicely!
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