May 13, 2006 - Work Day 2
The old mulch bed is excavated to the new grade, and the patio base from the old walk is removed and saved.
Opposing views of the work site. The patio location is starting to take shape. In the picture to the right,
you can see the pile of recovered patio base in the foreground, which will serve as the base of the walkways.
The chair has magically disappeared! Okay, I moved it so you can see how far I needed to dig.
The plastic served as a weed barrier for the old patio. But over the years, the weeds grew to laugh at it.
And the chair magically reappears! The digging exposed part of the foundation all the way down to the footing!
Down that far, the builders didn't skim-coat the foundation, so it looks like I've just added another item to the list.
These must be the happiest peonies in town. They're being saved, and they're getting a nice view of the patio.
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