Finishing Touches
With the electronics finished, I installed the tremolo cover and the pickguard. Another custom touch
I added to the guitar was this custom trem cover. Most guitars have a single-ply cover on the back.
I ordered a custom three-ply, black-white-black angled bevel cover to match the custom pickguard.
After carefully tucking all the wires into the routs, I installed the pickguard and removed the shipping
plastic, revealing the glossy black finish. Both the pickguard and trem cover have black screws, which
add to the smooth look. I also opted for black skirted Strat-style control knobs. Note how the pickguard
tucks right under the fretboard of the neck. It's a really clean look.
The shipping plastic removed reveals the glossy finish of the tremolo cover.
With the guitar built, work turned to setting the bridge -- adjusting the intonation, string height, and
tuning it up. Not much to take pictures of during that, but here's the final product.
Introducing the Milkville Guitars 2007 Custom Classic.
As a final touch, I ordered a special Planet Waves guitar strap to match the guitar.
With the guitar finished, it's time to go play.
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